Massage Services


Custom Massage

Individualized massage session to meet your needs, whether it’s to promote relaxation, reduce tension, or relieve pain. You will discuss your goals for the massage with the therapist that day.

60 Minute - $125
90 Minute - $165

Sports Massage

Athletes looking to enhance recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and speed-up return to sport. A combination of deep tissue work and passive stretching are utilized to achieve your athletic goals.

60 Minute - $125
90 Minute - $165

120 Minute- $225

Prenatal Massage


The expectant mother often feels strain as her body adjusts to the changes of pregnancy. This is the optimal time to promote self-care to relieve the added stress on the mother’s body. Using gentle pressure and ensuring comfortable positioning, the prenatal massage is catering to all the woman’s needs.

60 Minute - $125
90 Minute - $165
120 Minute - $225

Additional Services


Cupping Therapy

This technique is used to draw fresh blood flow to restricted muscle tissue. Cupping is ideal to relieve muscle tension, promote blood flow and circulation, and enhance recovery. You may notice red or dark purple marks following, which will disappear after several days.

One session - $45
Add-on fee - $15

IASTM (Instrument-Assisted Soft-tissue Massage)

The use of a metal “scraping” tool is implemented to break up fibrous tissue or scar tissue, areas of significant tension, or tendinous junctions. If you think this service is for you, ask your therapist today!

Add-on to custom massage - $15

Stretch Session

With each stretch session you will receive assisted stretches to promote  greater  flexibility and range of motion. Our goal is to help you  understand your body in order to relax and unwind, allowing for  decreased tension and stress you may be holding. 

One session - $50
Add-on fee - $25